You think I'm pretty / Piensas que soy guapa
Without any make-up on / Sin maquillaje
You think I'm funny / Piensas que soy graciosa
When I tell the puch line wrong /
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down
Before you met me
I was a wreck
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my valentine, valentine
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Fell like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn my on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on my
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away
And don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
dilluns, 13 de desembre del 2010
dimarts, 5 d’octubre del 2010
The animal in me
My favourite animal is the cat because he's free, he can be loving but also wild. He don't have a owner only friends. He is very pround and he lifes in the night. He's speed and agil and often they quarrel together. I identify with this animal for his caracter.
dimarts, 21 de setembre del 2010
Summer 2010 is over
I want to remember the parc where I passed many hours every day with my couple. It was a place where I was relaxed because it is very quite and I can slept a little bit and think about a lot of things (problems, my life, my plans about the future...). It was a simple place but for me it was a perfect place. I go here after the work because it had a green grass, fresh air and there was anyone.
dimecres, 5 de maig del 2010
EASTER holidays
In my EASTER holidays I went to visit my father and I worked with him in Toulouse fair during four days because I arrived four days early. It was very hard because I had to stand up every day during a long hours, and my feet hurted.
When the fare was finished we returned in his house in Bandol, near of Marseille.
We went shopping near the sea and we eated with friends everyday.
When the fare was finished we returned in his house in Bandol, near of Marseille.
We went shopping near the sea and we eated with friends everyday.
Jokes! =)
- Hello! Do you speak english?
- ¿Como?
- Do you speak english?
- ¿Que si habla usted inglés?
-Ah, si perfectamente!
- ¿Como?
- Do you speak english?
- ¿Que si habla usted inglés?
-Ah, si perfectamente!
dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010
The future of books
The future of books is technology, like everything in this world today. They start out e-books, small and lightweight, easy to transport. I believe that printed books disappear tadarán very little in all this technology.
dilluns, 8 de març del 2010
1. What do you know about Romeo and Juliet story?
Romeo and Juliet are the unlucky lovers in history.
2. When was it written?
Romeo and Juliet was written between 1591 and 1595.
3. What type of text is it: novel, poem or play?
It is a play.
4. What is the origin of the story?
The story of Romeo and Juliet has its origin in an Italian tale in verse "The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet" by Arthur Brooke in 1562, and would later be written in prose in "Palace of Pleasure" by William Painter in 1582.
5. Who is the author?
The author of Romeo and Juliet is William Shakespeare.
6. Where was the author from?
William Shakespeare was from of Stratford-upon-Avon (England).
7. Do you know other works by him?
Yes, I know that he wrote Hamlet, Macbeth and Othello.
8. Who was the King/Queen in his country when Romeo and Juliet was written?
The Queen of England, Elizabeth I
9. Was he/she important? Why?
Yes, because in her reign, England had made great progress in manny different areas, the country had become a major power in Europe and had defeated the Spanish Armada when Philip the Second had attempted to invade the country.
10.What social norms existed in that time for young people and marriage?
The family decided who their sons and daughters should marry.
9. Was he/she important? Why?
Yes, because in her reign, England had made great progress in manny different areas, the country had become a major power in Europe and had defeated the Spanish Armada when Philip the Second had attempted to invade the country.
10.What social norms existed in that time for young people and marriage?
The family decided who their sons and daughters should marry.
A film I like...!*!

Since a storm decimated his team of rescue at sea, Ben Randall has retired and now devotes himself to training young recruits. His reputation for bravery and his teaching methods were unorthodox made him a legend. Yet he remains haunted by the death of his teammates ... Among his students, Randall noticed a young champion swimmer and insolent frimeur, Jake Fischer. He immediately recognized the potential of the young man and tries to inculcate all that could make him a great lifeguard. Randall also hoped to spare him the mistakes he himself has committed.'s Graduation, Jake follows Randall to Kodiak, Alaska, where they face one of the worst maritime areas of the globe, the Bering Sea. In his first relief operation, Jake will truly discover what the mission entails ...
dilluns, 1 de març del 2010

This horse was called Istar. It was my horse. A horse that was regained in the races, as shipments to the slaughter. When I recovered he was 12, he was brown and mesured 1.70m. One year I've been with him and with whom I spent my days on end. Until one day had an accident on the runway and broke his leg and had to be sacrificed. This horse represents yal die all my life was a part of me.
dimecres, 13 de gener del 2010
Experiences in my life..
What's the difference between school and life?
In the school we teach a lesson and if we are wrong we can repeat but in the life we can't repeat and we have to learn over time.
I've always said that good planning and organizing your future is the key to life, to know about himself and others; and this year I had many problems and I end up leaving everything to drift and everything began to go badly. Here also shown that despite everything life has not ever let your feelings take control and the problems that end up losing the key.
LESSON: Do not miss the key point you control your life, not the opposite.
A few months ago, a member of my family, in who I had many good confidence, began to disagree with me for one of my personal decisions. I answered the questions you did and used my explanations and answers to go against me and hurt me with pathetic excuse it was for my good. We argue a lot. I was very offended and from that problem as we speak.
LESSON: The people most want and trust most is that you do more damage.
In the school we teach a lesson and if we are wrong we can repeat but in the life we can't repeat and we have to learn over time.
I've always said that good planning and organizing your future is the key to life, to know about himself and others; and this year I had many problems and I end up leaving everything to drift and everything began to go badly. Here also shown that despite everything life has not ever let your feelings take control and the problems that end up losing the key.
LESSON: Do not miss the key point you control your life, not the opposite.
A few months ago, a member of my family, in who I had many good confidence, began to disagree with me for one of my personal decisions. I answered the questions you did and used my explanations and answers to go against me and hurt me with pathetic excuse it was for my good. We argue a lot. I was very offended and from that problem as we speak.
LESSON: The people most want and trust most is that you do more damage.
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