dilluns, 8 de març del 2010

A film I like...!*!

Since a storm decimated his team of rescue at sea, Ben Randall has retired and now devotes himself to training young recruits. His reputation for bravery and his teaching methods were unorthodox made him a legend. Yet he remains haunted by the death of his teammates ... Among his students, Randall noticed a young champion swimmer and insolent frimeur, Jake Fischer. He immediately recognized the potential of the young man and tries to inculcate all that could make him a great lifeguard. Randall also hoped to spare him the mistakes he himself has committed.'s Graduation, Jake follows Randall to Kodiak, Alaska, where they face one of the worst maritime areas of the globe, the Bering Sea. In his first relief operation, Jake will truly discover what the mission entails ...

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