1. Include information about the song
- When was the song written?
- Who sang it first?
- Was it a big hit?
- Any other interesting info? (records, interviews, photos, facebook page, ...)
Page: http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/beauty/

2. What is the meaning of this song? Write the translation of the lyrics. In 20 words, what is the song about?
"Beauty And The Beast"
Tale as old as time / Història tan antiga com el temps
True as it can be / Es cert ja que pot ser
Barely even friends / Tot just fins i tot com amics
Then somebody bends / Llavors algú es dobla
Unexpectedly / Inesperadament
Just a little change / Només un petit canvi
Small, to say the least / petit, per dir el mínim
Both a little scared / Tant una mica espantat
Neither one prepared / Cap dels dos preparats
Beauty and the Beast / La Bella i la Bestia
Ever just the same / Alguna vegada el mateix
Ever a surprise / sempre una sorpresa
Ever as before / sempre un després
Ever just as sure / sempre tan segur
As the sun will rise / A mesura que el sol sortirà
Tale as old as time / Història tan antiga com el temps
Tune as old as song / Sintonia tan antiga com la cançó
Bittersweet and strange / Agredolç i estrany
Finding you can change / Trobar pots canviar
Learning you were wrong / aprenent et pots equivocar
Certain as the sun / Segur com el sol
Rising in the east / L'augment a l'est
Tale as old as time / història tan antiga com el temps
Song as old as rhyme / Cançó tan vella com la rima
Beauty and the beast. / La Bella i la Bestia
3. Prepare an activity with the song for the class
.Prepare a photocopy to sing the song in class with:
-- 5 difficult words translated into Catalan
Barely = amb prou feines
bend = torçar
certain = segur
Bittersweet = agridolç
to rise = pujar / sortir
-- 5 difficult words to pronounce correctly
-- 5 False words to discover by listening
Tale as old as time = Tale as young as time
Unexpectedly = Expectedly
Neither one prepared = Both prepared
Ever as before = Never as before
As the sun will rise = As the sun won't rise
--10 Gaps to discover by listening
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Than somebody bends
Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one ..........
........ and the ..........
......... just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever ... before
Ever just as sure
As the ...... will rise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding .... can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising .........east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as ..........
Beauty and the beast.
prepared, as, unexpectedly, rhyme, you, sun, in the, ever, beauty, beast
--Jumble the chorus and order by listening
KARAOKE TIME!! Time for singing together! )
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